
Marty Bostick
7 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Today we are gonna Revisit one of the Best Free to play games on steam. "Polygon"
Lets see whats New with the game and the current state in 2022. Shoule you play it in 2022?
Lets Find out!

Previous Review about "Polygon" -

Download Polygon on Steam :-

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#Polygon #FPS #FREE

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Stay tuned!

Music Credit :-
Would You Kindly · StreamBeats by Harris Heller

Marty Bostick
6 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Be the boss in the most detailed F1® management experience ever. Pre-order the digital version of F1® Manager 2022 on PlayStation now for a 10% discount and five days early access. Early access begins on 25th August.

#ps5games #ps4games #F1Manager

Marty Bostick
4 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Buy the game here:

This is the 3rd iteration of the Space Engineers Game Review. We have been playing it so long that we need to keep updating it. They have changed so much in this game it is crazy! Space Engineers is now a PvP able game. No more are the crashes due to battles. Large ships can be made. There is a Space Engineers Tutorial Map and a Space Engineers Campaign Map. In this Space Engineers Review and Overview we cover everything to help you decide to buy the game or not! I hope it helps.

Old Space Engineers Review Video:

Conveyor System Tutorial Video:

0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Overview
2:46 - UI/Gameplay Review
12:30 - Pros
17:54 - Cons
19:58 - My thoughts
20:47 - Score
21:49 - End

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Marty Bostick
6 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

It's time to return to Wonderland. And not the weird Tim Burton one either. Is that his worst movie? It's certainly his ugliest movie. Did people actually like that movie? Did they like Johnny Depp's terrifying face?
I'm asking questions that never get answered because nobody reads the description. But if you did, ten points!
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/3MinuteGamePass

Marty Bostick
2 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

The Quarry (PC, PS5, PS4 Xbox Series X/S/One) is the latest playable horror adventure from the creators of Until Dawn. How is it? Let's talk.
Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gamera....nxTV?sub_confirmatio

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Watch the official gameplay reveal for Starfield from the XBOX and Bethesda Games Showcase. Starfield releases on Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2023. Play day one with Game Pass. Learn more: https://beth.games/39pwHVl


Into the Starfield Ep. 1: The Endless Pursuit - https://beth.games/3CI4LpN
Into the Starfield Ep. 2: Made for Wanderers - https://beth.games/3iKGlmp
Into the Starfield Ep. 3: The Sound of Adventure - https://youtu.be/fedc6ZzfU8I

Join Constellation now and be among the first to receive news and updates on Starfield, including developer interviews and behind-the-scenes looks at the game. You can also join our Bethesda Game Studios Discord for access to exclusive AMAs and community conversations.


Visit http://starfieldgame.com/ and follow Starfield on social media:

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Marty Bostick
4 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

GO CHECK OUT MY GOOD FRIEND, Anthony A. Perez’s review of the movie:

In today’s review, a big thank you to Shudder for an early screener to a movie premiering on their platform on March 17th called: The Bunker Game.

A little information about, The Bunker Game:
The Bunker Game is a 2022 supernatural horror film about the players in a role-playing game being stalked and killed by an unknown presence.

Directed by Roberto Zazzara from a screenplay co-written with Manuela Cacciamani, Francesca Forristal, Davide Orsini and Kt Roberts, from a storyline co-written by Manuela Cacciamani, Davide Orsini and Roberto Zazzara. Produced by Jad Ben Ammar and Leo Maidenberg.

The plot of, The Bunker Game:

Laura (Gaia Weiss) is an actress in a LARP (Live Action Role Playing) game where participants play the survivors of an atomic war who live underground in a sealed bunker.
After several mysterious accidents, the game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remain behind to investigate the disappearance of Greg, the game’s mastermind. They soon find themselves trapped inside and in peril as they begin to die in mysterious ways.

The group realises that someone or something paranormal is playing a twisted game with them which quickly plunges into a terrifying fight for survival…​

The cast of, The Bunker Game:
Gaia Weiss … Laura
Lorenzo Richelmy … Gregorio
Mark Ryder … Harry
Tudor Istodor … Andrej
Makita Samba … Marcus
Amina Ben-Smaïl … Yasmine
Nicolo Pasetti … Kurt
Felice Jankell … Robin
Léa Rostain … Jenny
Serena de Ferrari … Clara

#TheBunkerGame #Shudder #RobertoZazzara

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Check out five minutes of gameplay to see the world and more from The Invincible, an upcoming atompunk story set in a sci-fi world. The Invincible is coming in 2023 to PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

#IGN #Gaming #IGNSumemrOfGaming

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

In this latest gameplay clip of The Callisto Protocol from Summer Game Fest 2022, protagonist Jacob can be seen fighting off against his enemies utilizing a Gravity Gun called "The Grip". We see him utilizing it to pick up enemies and toss them into fans, all before being torn apart himself in a gory scene. The Callisto Protocol releases on December 2, 2022.

#Summergamefest #callistoprotocol #gamingnews #gamespot

Marty Bostick
4 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

After 23 years almost exclusively playing one series (Quake), I decided to really learn a new game, Apex Legends. I've put in over 500 hours since December 2021 to April 2022 (5 months) and now feel like I have my head around it pretty well. But with a game this complex, there's still so much more to learn, which is great, definitely keeping me interested.

I tried to keep the review brief and I used some ratings for each part but I don't think giving games a score really reflects whether they're worth playing or not. So the sections get scores, but the overall game doesn't. That said, I love it, it's an awesome game, highly recommend it to those interested. I can see myself maining this for a long time.

Made a Beginner's Tips video too for Fundamental Habits in Apex: https://youtu.be/UGYs-gDd-Ts

This is not a paid review, no contact with EA or anyone over this, just thought it'd be cool to review it ... plus it gave me an excuse to play more.

That said, Xtrfy make the mouse I designed (obviously paid partnership), so if you're looking for a new gaming mouse, I hope you check out the MZ1(it's not for everyone, no mouse is, but see if it suits you!) https://xtrfy.com/mice/mz1/

I also have a control mouse pad through them https://xtrfy.com/mousepads/gpz1

If you're after more info on mice, check out my links:

How To Choose A Gaming Mouse - https://youtu.be/QVI3mepUHuE
Top Mice - https://www.rocketjumpninja.com/top-mice
Mouse Search - https://www.rocketjumpninja.com/mouse-search

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Twitch Streaming: https://www.twitch.tv/rocketjumpninja

Marty Bostick
1 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

THE BEST SURVIVAL GAME SO FAR? (2022) (SCUM WINS OVER DAYZ?). Follow me on Tiktok & Instagram @ rooslahn. Also feel free to comment down below what kind of videos you'd like to see on this channel! I upload at least once a week, unless I'm doing a series! Thank You for your support and as always...Be the best version of you:)

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Watch the official gameplay reveal for Starfield from the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase.

Starfield releases on Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2023. Play day one with Game Pass.

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Is Payday 2 worth buying in 2022?
I take a look at the mechanics and features that make payday 2 unique to see why this game has such a strong fan base, and if it’s worth buying today.

Written, recorded and edited by Melt
Creative producer Dan garland
#review #payday2

Marty Bostick
4 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

7 Days to Die in 2022, almost 10 years on, this is an open-world zombie apocalypse game that is a combination of first person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. This is a comprehensive review and tries to look at why it did and still does conquer all other zombie games for so long. Why is it so good? We examine the key game mechanics, and why does it work.

This video review includes an epic cinematic.

Social media:
Come join me for other insights and weird things on my social media:

Twitter: Matty Mojo @MojoPojos
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To contact me: mattymojo911@gmail.com

Musical scores: www.epidemicsound.com.

Cinematic musical score thanks to Really Slow Motion music:

Buy Really Slow Motion music
Amazon : http://amzn.to/1lTltY5
iTunes: http://bit.ly/1ee3l8K
Spotify: http://bit.ly/1r3lPvN
Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/1DqtZSo

Music by Really Slow Motion
Composer: Cody Still
Track: Forerunner
Album: Dark Beginnings

Visit us on:
Website: http://www.reallyslowmotion.com/
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Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/reallyslowmotion

0:00 Introduction
1:13 Epic cinematic
3:27 The real engine behind the game
5:00 Is it a success?
5:50 Why does it work?
7:57 Key game mechanics
8:18 Your character
10:04 The biomes
11:51 The weapon system
13:12 The building system
14:09 The day / night cycle
15:06 The hordes
16:32 Final thoughts

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code XB2 at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod

The Xbox & Bethesda Showcase is finished and these are Rand & Jez thoughts about this Xbox Bethesda 2022 Show and what we thought about Starfield, Redfall, Forza Motorsport, Persona, Kojima and so much more!

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Marty Bostick
2 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Since the release of Demon Souls in 2009, developers FromSoftware haven’t really changed up the formula much , and that’s absolutely fine.
Being the massive Souls fan that I am, I would buy any Soulsy title that these developers pump out, no questions asked.
But then the announcement for Elden Ring came. We were getting an open world style Souls game, with worldbuilding by Georg R.R. Martin. And that was it. That’s all it took to make Elden Ring my most anticipated game of the year. And I’m not the only one.
Yes, it’s a masterpiece. Yes, it will probably win GOTY, and yes, you should buy it….. Unless you’re not a fan of the genre. Watch this review to find out why!

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.: Elden Ring Game details:.
Release Date: Feb, 2022
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows
Reviewed on: PS5
Developer: From Software Inc.

#GOTY #EldenRing #FromSoftware

Marty Bostick
4 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Kinda Funny Games give their live reaction to Persona on Xbox, Starfield gameplay, Overwatch 2, Diablo 4, and more!

Epic Creator Code: KindaFunny

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Marty Bostick
8 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

Gameplay de Starfield, el nuevo juego de Bethesda, en 4K. Un título de acción, aventura y RPG ambientado en el espacio que se ha mostrado en el Xbox & Bethesda Showcase de 2022 y saldrá en 2023.

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Marty Bostick
4 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

On the whole, Evil Dead: The Game doesn’t break much new ground in terms of asymmetrical multiplayer or movie tie-in games, but what it does, it does mostly well. It’s not entirely balanced or varied, so what you see up front is largely what you get, but I found myself still enjoying going off against demons and hearing Bruce Campbell’s one-liners just as much ten hours in as I did the first time.

It’s not going to add a whole lot to the Evil Dead lore, nor will it make a dent in the gaming landscape, but for what it is, Evil Dead: The Game is worth your time, if only to have some tense, satisfying fun killing demons and humans alike.

Marty Bostick
3 Görünümler · 3 yıl önce

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