
33 Views · 2 years ago

An Australian Astronaut jumped from a height of 128,000 feet ( from space ship) and travelled 1236 km , reached earth within 4 minutes, 5 seconds . He clearly saw earth rotating.
This interesting and electrifying video is as recorded by BBC

10 Views · 2 years ago

There's a new policy on cash transactions. In line with the new policy of changing naira notes by January, 2023, citizens have been directed to start returning old notes in their possession to banks.
However there is a limit to the amount of deposit to be made to both old and new accounts.
Moreover, citizens having outrageous amounts in their possession have been advised to resort to charity especially to indigent ciyizens in rural areas who would be needing financial support.

12 Views · 2 years ago

Millions of dollars found in an apartment .
Though the occupant is a Nigerian, he claims not to be the main owner of the apartment.

35 Views · 2 years ago

7 places where gravitational lawsdoes not work:
1. Mystery spot, Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA.
2. Reverse water fall, Faroe, Islands.
3. The golden Boulder, MYANMAR
4. Magnetic hill, Ladakh, INDIA.
5. Hoover dam, Nevada, USA
6. A Mysterious Road in SOUTH KOREA
7. The road at the base of Mount Aragats, ARMENIA

30 Views · 2 years ago

People are controlled by first being frightened and then oppressed.
Education of the poor is not encouraged because the people will be enlightened and break out of their hold.
The few enlights are too scared to speak because they are poor.
Those in power have this mapped out already.

Marty Bostick
37 Views · 3 years ago

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Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on Modern Warfare continues with the aftermath of the first phase of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022 ( Previously we talk about the build-up to the new stage of the Russo-Ukrainian War, how Putin's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine continued, and covered events between February 24th and April 7th, as we saw how Ukraine managed to win the first phase of the war. This set up the second phase of the war - battle of Donbas. In this video we will cover the events of April of 2022 including the sinking of the rocket cruiser Moskva -

Pacific War Series:
Cold War channel:
Modern Warfare series:
Battle of Khalkhin Gol 1939:
Winter War:
Greco-Italian War, Battle of Greece, Battle of Crete:
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Operation Storm-333:
German Raiders in the Pacific:
Battle of Hong Kong 1941:
Italian Raids on Alexandria and Gibraltar: Italian Raids on Alexandria and Gibraltar
Battle of Taranto 1940:
Sihang Warehouse 1937 - Chinese Thermopylae:

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The video was made by Leif Sick, while the script was developed by Turgut Gambar ( The video was narrated by Officially Devin (

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#Documentary #RussianInvasion #RussoUkrainianWar

Marty Bostick
52 Views · 3 years ago

"Those people are mere amateurs compared to what we're gonna be."

In today's true crime documentary, we're covering the lost tapes of the Scream Killers.

Clinical Psychology M.A. Candidate
PhD in Social Psychology/Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Watch "The Disturbing Case of the Scream Killers":

Marty Bostick
55 Views · 3 years ago

World's Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Somaliland (2013)

Deadliest Roads - All Episodes:

Despite separating from Somalia over 20 years ago, the state of Somaliland is still unrecognised by the rest of the world. Life here is hard. The popular series Dicing with Death brings us an eye-opening look at life in a country that isn’t officially a country.

Due to lack of infrastructure and leftover mines from the civil war delivery drivers in Somaliland take their lives in their hands each time they cross the desert. Before the lorries, transporting goods was done by camel, nowadays Somaliland is one of the main exporters of camels to the rest of the middle east; it is said here that both eating their meat and drinking their milk will make you virile. Somaliland is one of the biggest consumers of the plant khat which when chewed gives a cocaine-like high. The plant quickly loses its potency and so the delivery drivers must race to get their product to the distributors, rather than stopping they just throw the bundles off the side of the moving trucks; with clamouring customers waiting eagerly for each drop off.

But life may be about to change here as supposedly there is a lot of oil under the ground, an as yet untapped resource which may one day bring Somaliland the wealth and recognition it craves.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

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Marty Bostick
31 Views · 3 years ago

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Marty Bostick
10 Views · 3 years ago

Every year, over 100,000 square kilometers of good soil is lost worldwide. The ground is concreted over, treated with chemicals, and farmed carelessly. Yet it is the very basis of life.

Healthy soil does not just produce healthy food. It also provides habitats for numerous species which are key to saving the climate. Some people have recognized this potential and are making up for lost ground.

Austrian farmer, Josef Nagl, is one of them. An accident that nearly cost him his life got him thinking: what does he want to leave behind for his children? Barren fields that can only produce rich growth with industrial fertilizers and pesticides? He decided to radically transform his family farm. The plow and chemicals, both of which destroy soil life, are now taboo. Instead, he works with diverse crop rotation, constant greening of the fields and, above all, a different attitude toward natural cycles. Josef Nagl has joined the ecological region of Kaindorf, a growing movement of farmers who respect soil as a living organism and farm to constantly retain and renew its humus. This transformation also brings financial benefits - they are rewarded with a premium for building up humus and capturing CO2.

On the soil where Erika Kothe stands, agriculture is ruled out for centuries to come. Uranium was mined here in the GDR, leaving behind a moonlike landscape highly contaminated with acids and heavy metals. How can such soil be healed? "With roots, bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi," says microbiologist Erika Kothe from the University of Jena, who is conducting research here with geologist Thorsten Schäfer. They are planting fast-growing plants and inoculating the soil with bacterial cultures and fungi to bind the heavy metals, rendering them harmless. This method could be used worldwide for renaturing huge post-mining landscapes.

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Marty Bostick
5 Views · 3 years ago

Long before Homo sapiens populated the earth, the Neanderthals lived in Eurasia.
Now, paleoanthropologists in England and France are using new archeological methods to shed light on some previously unexplained Neanderthal mysteries.

In an age clouded by the mists of time, the first early humans colonized the Eurasian continent. They settled on land that had only recently been covered by glaciers. This species, called Neanderthals, died out about 30,000 years ago -- but at one time, they formed the largest group in an area that stretched from northern France to the Belgian coast and from the Channel Islands to southern England.

During the last Ice Age, the North Sea was frozen over -- and the English Channel was a small river that could easily be crossed on foot. The Neanderthals lived in close harmony with their perpetually changing environment. They had everything they needed to survive: the meat of prey animals, edible wild plants, water and wood for cooking and heating. How did these early humans develop over almost 300,000 years? What were their lives like before they became extinct?

Our documentary is based on the latest research. We investigate various populations of Neanderthals, and visit archaeological sites in northern France, southern England, and on the island of Jersey.

Renowned researchers such as the British paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer and his French colleague Ludovic Slimak describe how the Neanderthals lived, and discuss their cognitive abilities. Was this species capable of structured thinking? Did they have cultures, languages, and societies? How intelligent were they, and what sort of adaptive strategies kept them alive for 300,000 years? How similar were they to modern-day humans?


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Marty Bostick
65 Views · 3 years ago

A new Hulu documentary ‘Leave No Trace’ features former Boy Scouts speaking about their experience of sexual abuse by Scoutmasters and the century-long scandal inside the Boy Scouts of America.



#nightline #leavenotrace #boyscouts #sexabuse #metoo #metoomovement #crime #abcnews

Marty Bostick
5 Views · 3 years ago

Can the aging process be reversed - or even halted, altogether? If we manage to decode this final mystery of our human biology, we might soon be able to eradicate age-related illnesses like cancer, dementia and heart problems.

The race to invent the miracle pill is well underway. Today, international researchers are getting astonishingly close to realizing humanity’s dream of immortality.

The hunt for immortality gained traction with the discovery of Costa Rica’s so-called "Blue Zone,” by Luis Rosero-Bixby. In the "Blue Zone,” on the Nicoya Peninsular, he found a remarkable number of centenarians. Here, male life expectancy is the highest in the world. Their healthy lifestyle is one factor, but the promise of longevity is probably also because their telomeres - sections of DNA found at the end of chromosomes - are longer than those of the average person.

It’s a field of research currently being explored by Maria Blasco in Madrid. But this is just one of many possible factors influencing the process of aging. Senescent cells may also play a key role. Also known as "zombie cells”, these attack our body in old age and flood it with alarm signals until, at some point, we collapse under their weight. That’s a theory proposed by another researcher in Spain, Manuel Serrano.

A billion-dollar industry is already knocking impatiently at the lab doors. The first to market the miracle pill is guaranteed incredible wealth. That’s why investors are sponsoring young bio-startups in Hong Kong. Keen not be left out, US Big Tech is vying for the world’s best scientists. Alex Zhavoronkov has secured a slice of that pie, with a cash injection of more than 250 million dollars for his company’s work on aging research.

Whereas some pioneers’ visions burst like bubbles, others rush to get other, rather more dubious products onto the market. But their efficacy is now measurable. The epigenetic clock devised by Steve Horvath can measure our biological age, regardless of our actual age in years.

With his research on the thymus gland, California’s Greg Fahy managed to not only decelerate the aging process, but reverse it. His initial study on humans showed that a particular drug cocktail took an average two-and-a-half years off their age.

Young biohackers like Nina Khera from Boston want everyone to benefit from this research. Together with friends, she’s working on the "epigenetic clock for all”.
But while we’re busy trying to counter the aging process and all the illnesses it entails, fundamental questions arise: Should we be messing with nature like this? Are we about to overwhelm the planet with more and more people? Criminal biologist Mark Benecke in Cologne says that these questions are coming far too late.

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Marty Bostick
17 Views · 3 years ago

Referred to as 'The Film the Police Arrested', Broomfield's scathing account of the Lancashire Police Force Liaison Division's handling of young, sometimes pre-teen, petty offenders is both devastating and deeply moving.

Absolute Documentaries brings you the best of entertaining and fascinating documentaries for free. Whether you’re into true crime, stories from around the world, family and social life, science or psychology, we’ve got you covered with must-see full-length documentaries every week.

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From: Juvenile Liaison I

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Marty Bostick
8 Views · 3 years ago

Annunaki - 450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed.
2017. Philip Gardener
**This film is under license from Vision Films Inc. All rights reserved**

#AncientAliens #TheAnunnaki #PrometheusDocumentary

Marty Bostick
8 Views · 3 years ago

Between 1939 and 1941, the forces of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany blazed a path of destruction, oppression and murder across the map of Europe and beyond and it seemed his ambition could never be satisfied. The world was his goal. Death was his tool. Only a badly beaten and barely holding-on Britain managed to hold back the tide long enough to guarantee that all of Europe wouldn’t be draped in a flag bearing the Swastika. And yet within three years Britain, Canada and the United States along with survivors from the fallen nations would amalgamate into a single force and in one swift move, drive a dagger into the side of Hitler’s dreams of total, European and ultimately global supremacy. That dagger was driven in on the beaches of Normandy in June 1944 and it would be twisted into a wound that would never close. This is the story of Operation Overlord. This is the story of D-Day…

0:00 Introduction
1:55 Planning/Commanders
10:22 Defending the Fuhrer’s European Prize
18:03 The Intelligence Effort
25:05 June 1st - 5th
35:20 Operation Overlord: The Airborne Operation
41:39 Omaha
47:00 Utah
49:39 Gold
51:39 Juno
54:40 Sword
59:21 The Fuhrer’s Response

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🎶🎶 All music from CO.AG

Narrated by: Will Earl
Written & Researched by: Tony Wilkins
Edited by: James Wade

History Should Never Be Forgotten...

Marty Bostick
9 Views · 3 years ago

Subscribe here: Full Episodes: | Johnny v Amber: Love and War (2022)

Tom Steinfort hosts a special program examining the extraordinary saga of the now-destroyed relationship of Hollywood stars Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. From a love story that had the world gushing to a spectacular falling out that’s been played out in courtrooms across England and the United States, Johnny V Amber: Love and War is an explosion of he-said, she-said claim and counter-claim.

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For forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tom Steinfort, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.


Marty Bostick
5 Views · 3 years ago

"June 12 1994. Vibrant, funny, and beautiful, Nicole Brown Simpson appears to have it all. With loads of money, a great body, and two adorable children, the ex-wife of football legend O.J. Simpson is living the Hollywood dream. In 24 hours, however, the dream will be brutally shattered, Nicole will be dead, and her ex-husband will stand accused in the murder trial of the century.

S2 E06

Directed by Mike Parkinson
Dave McRae

Edited for YouTube ad standards

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Marty Bostick
9 Views · 3 years ago

Revealing documentary that uncovers the so-called respectable members of the middle classes who cheat, fiddle and steal their way through life, from petty crime such as fiddling tax and insurance to more serious offences like burglary, forgery and fraud.

Absolute Documentaries brings you the best of entertaining and fascinating documentaries for free. Whether you’re into true crime, stories from around the world, family and social life, science or psychology, we’ve got you covered with must-see full-length documentaries every week.

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Marty Bostick
7 Views · 3 years ago

In today's true crime documentary, we're covering the most twisted cases you've EVER heard...

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