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The World according to China | VPRO Documentary

8 Views· 06/18/22
Marty Bostick
Marty Bostick
95 Subscribers

Over the next 20 years, the center of gravity of the world economy will shift to the Indo-Pacific region, the countries around the Indian and Pacific Oceans. What will the world look like if China is soon the world economic leader?

We seem to be at a turning point in our history. While one superpower, Russia, is showing its true dictatorial face with the invasion of Ukraine, the other superpower, China, is also taking an increasingly clear position. According to forecasts, this country, with its 1.4 billion inhabitants, will overtake the US as a world economic power sometime in the next 20 years.

Will we then fall back into a cold war mindset where two rival superpowers face each other as arch-enemies? Or will we move toward a multipolar world, where we will have to share power in the world?

Broadcast date: April 04, 2022

Directed by Shuchen Tan
Research: William de Bruijn
Production: Regina Rijpkema
Final editing: Doke Romeijn & Geert Rozinga

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Jose Paulo
Jose Paulo 1 year ago


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